Safe-Xtract is an industry leader in Vehicle Recovery education and innovation, based in New Mexico, USA. Its vehicle experience ranges broadly from two wheels up to regular size SUVs and pick-ups, to larger military and civilian vehicles. They have extensive expertise in the engineering and fabrication of expedition vehicles including standard SUVs & larger vehicles.
SX RECOVERY SYSTEM: Safe-Xtract’s relentless behind-the-scenes efforts have helped to define modern vehicle recovery standards. As part of their work, over the last few years they have worked with US SOCOM (Special Operations Command) elements to develop a proprietary Vehicle Recovery System that has three components: 1. KITS, 2. TRAINING and 3. the SX RECOVERY APP.
SYSTEM VALIDATION: This system has been tested and approved by the Nevada Automotive Test Center (NATC) for the United States Special [Forces] Operational Command (USSOCOM) and was selected by the 1st Special Forces Regiment to be the training standard within their SF Groups. It is currently trained and fielded with them at the team level and has been incorporated into one US Military ground mobility vehicle program of record with more on the way. The Safe-Xtract Recovery System was also selected for use by the West Virginia Army National Guard Ground Mobility Testing Center (WVANG GMTC) for Special Operations Ground Mobility Training. They field it with their specialized training fleet and have incorporated it into the education and training they give to military Special Operations and Conventional Forces, and other US Government Agencies. The Safe-Xtract system was subsequently adapted by various State National Guards. Outside of the Department of Defense, this system is in use with the DEA, USGS, National Nuclear Security/Office of Secure Transportation, other operational civil agencies, fire departments and various Search and Rescue organizations. Components have been adapted by Polaris Defense, and are in use with Allied militaries. Safe-Xtract kits are listed as recommended recovery equipment by the International 4WD Trainers Association, and there is a network of Safe-Xtract certified trainers is in place across the country – and in Australia – to provide commercial market instruction on this unique and comprehensive vehicle recovery system.